Louisianas Legal Definitions of Abuse
Abuse is defined as the infliction of physical or mental injury, or actions which may reasonably
be expected to inflict physical injury, on an adult by other parties, including but not limited to
such means as sexual abuse, abandonment, isolation, exploitation, or extortion of funds or
other things of value.
Physical Abuse: The injury, unreasonable confinement, intimidation or cruel punishment of an
adult with resulting harm or pain.
Abandonment: The desertion or willful forsaking of an adult by anyone having care or custody
of that person under circumstances in which a reasonable person would continue to provide
care and custody.
Emotional Abuse: The infliction of mental injury on an adult by other parties to such an
extent that his/her health, self-determination or emotional well-being is endangered and which
has the potential to require intervention of a clinical nature. Examples include but are not
limited to harassment, cursing, degrading remarks, intimidation, and ridicule, threatening to
withdraw care, seclusion and restraints directed towards the adult.
Exploitation: The illegal or improper use of funds, assets, or property, or the improper use of
a power of attorney or guardianship.
Extortion: Taking something of value from a person by force, intimidation, or abuse of legal or
official authority.
Isolation: The intentional acts committed for the purpose of preventing, and which do serve to
prevent, an adult from having contact with family, friends or concerned persons. This shall not
be construed to affect a legal restraining order; to prevent an adult from receiving his mail or
telephone calls; physical or chemical restraint of an adult committed for the purpose of
preventing contact with visitors, friends, family or other concerned persons; to restrict, place
or confine an adult into a restricted area for the purposes of social deprivation or preventing
contact with family, friends, visitors or other concerned persons. However, medical isolation
prescribed by a licensed physician caring for the adult shall not be included in this definition.
Neglect: The failure, by a caregiver responsible for an adult's care or by other parties, to provide the
proper or necessary support or medical, surgical, or any other care necessary for his well-being. No
adult who is being provided treatment in accordance with a recognized religious method of healing in
lieu of medical treatment shall for that reason alone be considered to be neglected or abused.
Self-Neglect: The failure, either by the adult's action or inaction, to provide the proper or
necessary support or medical, surgical, or any other care necessary for his own well-being. No
adult who is being provided treatment in accordance with a recognized religious method of
healing in lieu of medical treatment shall for that reason alone be considered to be self-
Sexual Abuse: The adult is forced, threatened, or otherwise coerced by a person into sexual
activity or contact; the adult is involuntarily exposed to sexually explicit material, sexually
explicit language, or sexual activity or contact; the adult lacks the capacity to consent, and a
person engages in sexual activity or contact with that adult.